Thursday, March 18, 2010

BLM Mission Statement

The following is the Mission Statement of the BLM

The Bureau of Land Management is responsible for stewardship of our public lands. The
BLM is committed to manage, protect and improve these lands in a manner to serve the
needs of the American people. Management is based upon the principles of multiple use and
sustained yield of our nation's resources within a framework of environmental responsibility
and scientific technology. These resources include recreation, rangelands, timber, minerals,
watershed, fish and wildlife habitat, wilderness, air and scenic quality, as well as scientific and
cultural values.

Is closure to existing roads and hundreds of thousands of acres of public lands multiple use? I understand that with the increase of population in the west and especially Las Vegas along with the increase of ownership of ATV's that there has been an impact on the Gold Butte country. I know that not everyone who goes out is a responsible steward of our land, the public lands, like they should be. I know that there are important cultural artifacts and sites that have been damaged and vandalized and cannot be replaced. However is this really a legitimate excuse to close it off for everyone? There are a lot of people who love to get out and enjoy gods great desert. Why, because of a few bad eggs, are we all getting shut out? Is there not a middle ground that we can all come to so we can all protect, respect and enjoy our desert.

I am not an anti-environmentalist. Quite the contrary really, in the true meaning of the word. I love the land with all my heart. I was taught from a young age to respect and protect what is all of ours. Both of my parents came from homes that made their living from the land, both farming, ranching, mining and various other ways.  However the word environmentalist has taken on a whole other meaning. It has become political. The issues have become heated debates. The stakes have risen and the two extremes have taken over the whole arena and have forced us in the middle to take sides. I hate to see the damage and degradation to some of my favorite spots as much as any shorty shorts and REI hiking boots wearing Siera Clubber. However I do not believe that this should result in the complete and utter closure to everything. I honestly think that if it wasnt due to a greater conspiracy that a consensus really could be found. I belive that the environmental movement has become more about money, power and politics (politics being the most despicable of all) and less about public lands management and responsible stewardship.

......I will finish this after I calm down


Jill Greig said...

Wow! Amen!!

jak said...

God bless you Son, make a stand!
Jack W Nelson